
7 Top skills to nurture your existing customers!

Either you are a human resource executive, sales representative, or job hunter, you need to have a great idea about customer service skills.Think of customer service skills as the hidden ingredient of your favorite ice cream.Suppose you are an HR or founder of a company looking for new talent to enhance your business. So on what basis will you decide on an applicant?There comes our superhero! Customer Service Skills!

Let me take one more example.

Suppose you are a job applicant.On what basis will you figure out the best job for yourself?Customer Service Skills! Customer Service Skills!And Customer Service Skills!Now when we have an idea about our requirement, let's head towards what exactly these Customer Service Skills of great importance includes:

1. Communication Efficiency

Anyone can talk. It's not a big deal. But what holds weight is the way we make an effective conversation. For example, think of a situation where a customer has few issues with the product or service. How a concerned person manages that solely depends on one's communication and soft skills. And, so it requires strong attention.

2. Tech Knowledge

We live in a world today where everything from morning tea to bed stories is connected to technology in one way or another. So it has become prime to have basic tech skills. But, at the same time, few more skills add to the list when we talk about serving customers. So, for example, to give you a glance for a project manager, it becomes necessary to have some basic web management skills. In contrast, for a team leader, the knowledge of team management software becomes essential.‍

3. How a person organizes

One can never trust a person who can't manage oneself properly to handle different responsibilities. From the way one holds the docs to how one manages their presentation, everything says a lot about you. It tells how one will keep things organized in different scenarios.

4. Team Management

It is pretty common to have contradictory opinions on specific topics when working as a team. So it becomes crucial to observe how one resolves the conflicts, and only a great team player can make that happen without affecting the work quality.‍

5. Problem Solver

Problems are like the best friend of every task. You can't assume to accomplish any task without facing it. So one needs to have a positive attitude to cross that part which becomes one of the desired traits of any job description.

6. Multi-Tasker

In some situations, one has to move beyond the bars. For example, at certain times, your work might desire you to step out of your comfort zone, and one who abides by it only survives the game.

7. Learner Attitude

One who feels that they have all the knowledge never progresses. So to cope up with things, one has to be a keen learner open to suggestions and feedback.

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‍Keep skilling!